Enter the name for this tabbed section: Thursday
3:00 General Registration Opens
5:00 Dinner
6:30 Opening Ceremonies
- Ceremony (Outdoors, weather permitting)
- Welcome and Acknowledgement of the Land.
- Official Greetings
- NAIITS greetings
- Graduation
8:15 Plenary – Ray Aldred – “Communal Identity Inclusive of Land."
8:45 Q&R
9:00 Close
9:30 Reception for Graduates and their Families
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Friday
7:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 Gathering Song - Morning Reflection – Lenore Three Stars
9:30 Plenary –– Alison Kemper – “Surrender: The Acquisition of Hudson’s Bay Company and the Alienation of Rupert’s Land from Indigenous Peoples.”
10:15 Q&R
10:45 Coffee Break – Please pick up your coffee and head to your talking circle
11:00 Talking Circles
12:00 Lunch
1:15 Plenary –– Keith Starkenberg – “Falling and Standing: Learning a white theology of land in North America."
2:00 Q&R
2:30 Plenary –– Marilou Maissoneuve – “Being Christian and Innu: is a reconnection with the land possible? A Historical and Anthropological analysis.”
3:15 Coffee Break – Please pick up your coffee and head to your talking circle
3:30 Talking Circles
5:00 Dinner
6:30 Celebration of the Life and Work of Dr. Wendy Beauchemin Peterson
8:00 Concert With Michael Jacobs
9:00 Close of the Day
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Saturday
7:00 Breakfast
8:30 Gathering Song – Morning Reflection -
9:00 Plenary – Naomi Wolfe/Mark Brett – “Traditional Land and the Responsibility to Protect Immigrants: A Dialogue between Aboriginal Tradition and the Hebrew Bible”
9:45 Q&R
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15 Marketplace I – Full Sessions – participants select one
- Monica Friesen –“Redeeming Displacement: Cultural Safety as a Christ-Motivated Ministry of Nursing.”
- Joshua Grace - “Colonial Ways of Knowing and Detachment from Sacred Geography.”
- Brooke Prentis – “Dangerous memories in the land we NOW call Australia. Do the Exiles hear the call to country today?”
- Eric Seaberg – “A Sami Pilgrimage: Finding a way back to Sacred Land in the Midst of a Diaspora.”
11:15 Marketplace II – Full Sessions – participants select one
- Marc Levasseur – “The evil that is the cure: Western Christian and Native worldview on land.”
- Jason McKinney – “From Urbs Nullius to Terra Sacra: Seeking a Spiritual Commons”
- Crystal Porter – “A Search to Belong: Cultural Reclamation on the Jesus Way.”
12:15 Lunch
1:30 Plenary –– Danny Zacharias – “GraceLand: The Land as Relational Gift in the Bible.”
2:15 Q&R
2:30 Final Circle - Closing Reflections
3:30 Closing Ceremonies
4:00 N’multes! Until Next Time!
* A travelling Snack will be provided following the closing ceremonies