Meet Crystal Porter, chair of the Indigenous Pathways board

"As I learn more about Mi’kmaw language or I sit in community spaces, it informs how I read the Bible and how I live as a follower of Jesus," said Crystal, who graduated from NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community in 2020.

Good Soup: Catching up with the CLC

In these first few months of the Canadian Learning Community for Decolonization and Innovation in Theological Education (CLC), whether in meeting halls, on walks, over great meals or in late night theological chats, we are becoming a spiritual community where beautiful things are happening.

Meet Shari Russell, director of NAIITS

“NAIITS, for me, isn't just an education. It's community. It's family. It's embraced my entire life and has been transformational, even in my calling as a minister,” Shari said.

Meet Casey Church

This Indigenous Veterans Day, NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community honors those members of the Learning Community who have served, including NAIITS faculty member and Indigenous Pathways board member Leonard “Casey” Church.

NAIITS welcomes Nichole Forbes as program coordinator

Nichole brings her perspective as a Métis Christian who has sought to decolonize her own life and experience to the Canadian Learning Community for Decolonization and Innovation in Theological Education.

NAIITS welcomes Mike Hogeterp as lead facilitator

Mike will coordinate the Canadian Learning Community for Decolonization and Innovation in Theological Education, a NAIITS-led multi-school partnership to decolonize theological education.

An Indigenous Learning Community
Copyright 2023

Honoured to be accredited by:

NAIITS An Indigenous Learning Community

NAIITS An Indigenous Learning Community (formerly the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies) is one of two members of Indigenous Pathways (IP), a nonsectarian, non-profit organization dedicated to working together with the Indigenous community.

NAIITS’ focus within IP is the development and articulation of Indigenous perspectives in theology and practice. We encourage Indigenous learning styles and world views in our instruction as we facilitate the development of a body of work addressing biblical, theological, and ethical issues from Indigenous perspectives.

NAIITS offers graduate and post-graduate degrees and awards.