Journal of NAIITS

About the Journal

The NAIITS Journal is an annual publication of the NAIITS symposia proceedings. As such, each volume’s focus centers around the topic of the previous year’s symposia which occur in North America and Australia.

Vision Statement

Historically, Indigenous people did not investigate spirituality or faith in academic ways, nor did they build complex theologies. They simply lived what they believed. It was expected that one would live in such a way as to acknowledge and honour their Creator. Many still do just that. For them theology is simply practice!

In the 21st century, however, much has changed. Christian faith, while still deeply embraced by a large number of Indigenous people, has had limited historical involvement by them during its chequered colonial past, in its theological and practical articulation. NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community exists, in part, to address this deficiency.

Our work centers on Indigenous engagement with the person, work, life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus rooted in Indigenous cultures, values, and histories. Whether in the development of new theologies or in our forums for dialogue and teaching, it is this understanding that we believe still defines our path toward wholeness.

So, while our focus still ultimately rests on helping Indigenous people walk out life well, we know it is important to do so by investigating our spiritual beliefs and practices of faith through both scholarly and practical work in theology, biblical studies, intercultural and community development studies.

Review Process

The NAIITS Journal began a process of review we call Reviewing Circles in 2020. The work of the reviewing circle is to provide constructive responses from several voices. The feedback and recommendations are meant to help the author strengthen their work for written publication and to speak authentically from their social location.

While blind peer review is the norm often utilized in periodical publication, our desire is not anonymous feedback, but feedback and conversation in community. Authors receive feedback in-person or through an online feedback form and are encouraged to take feedback seriously and converse with those who are part of their reviewing circle if need be.

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Journal indexed in

Publication Details
ISSN: 1710 4742
Produced by the
Canadian Bible Society for NAIITS

Kimberlee Medicine Horn Jackson
H. Daniel Zacharias
Andy Mitchell

Journal Style Guide
Email the editor with any questions

An Indigenous Learning Community
Copyright 2023

Honoured to be accredited by:

NAIITS An Indigenous Learning Community

NAIITS An Indigenous Learning Community (formerly the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies) is one of two members of Indigenous Pathways (IP), a nonsectarian, non-profit organization dedicated to working together with the Indigenous community.

NAIITS’ focus within IP is the development and articulation of Indigenous perspectives in theology and practice. We encourage Indigenous learning styles and world views in our instruction as we facilitate the development of a body of work addressing biblical, theological, and ethical issues from Indigenous perspectives.

NAIITS offers graduate and post-graduate degrees and awards.