NAIITS College

About NAIITS College

NAIITS College is a member institution of the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD). NAIITS College is part of the wider family of NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community, which is dedicated to working together with the Indigenous community in the development and articulation of Indigenous perspectives in theology and practice. NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community is one of the two divisions of Indigenous Pathways, a nonprofit charitable organisation providing governance and administrative oversight to NAIITS and iEmergence.

NAIITS College embraces Indigenous learning styles and worldviews to encourage the development of a body of written work that addresses biblical, theological and ethical issues from Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other Indigenous perspectives. We do so in concert with those of other ethnicities who would speak into this context. NAIITS currently has degree program partnerships offering undergraduate, postgraduate and higher degree research programs, such as a Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.

We seek to facilitate the creation of a written theological foundation to envision new paradigms to reach Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other Indigenous peoples with the Good News of Jesus and the contextualization of the Good News in Indigenous communities.

We seek to develop theological partnerships with other cultural communities of faith, which will ensure the voice of Jesus is heard in all ways and will ensure biblical orthodoxy in all things.

NAIITS College is dedicated to genuine dialogue with historical traditions of Christianity and values the written and living resources encompassed in these traditions. Our goal is to develop and instruct from a body of theology and biblical teaching that resonates with the cultures and traditions of Indigenous peoples. For generations, Indigenous peoples have believed Christian faith required them to become like Euro Australians and Euro Americans. Many still do! They live the false dichotomy of belief that a fulfilled relationship with the Creator requires rejection of their own cultures and the adoption of another. In best case scenarios, Indigenous people struggle to embrace “God” in the Christianity of a secularised western culture. In the worst case, they have rejected “God” in the person of Jesus because of western Christianity’s perceived cultural requirements.

“This is our opportunity to study the ways of our Creator through our cultural eyes”. — Pastor Ray Minniecon

Choosing NAIITS College

Study the Bible, theology and ministry from Indigenous perspectives, taught by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and world Indigenous scholars with others, accredited through the Sydney of College of Divinity.

Explore theology, history and the practice of ministry from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and world Indigenous perspectives.

In NAIITS College units, you are invited to:

  • Learn about the Bible when reading it using insights of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and global Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing.
  • Discover perspectives on history and church history from the experiences and perspectives of Indigenous peoples from Australia and around the world.
  • Engage in the process of doing theology led by a community of Indigenous scholars
  • Reflect on the implications for ministry practice, not only among Indigenous communities, but in all church and ministry contexts.

NAIITS believes our Creator has called us to operate beyond historic boundaries, committing to a partnership of visionary, like-minded organisations to achieve our educational goals. Partnerships with theological institutions throughout Australia, Canada and the United States provide a solid foundation to impact Indigenous peoples and build new bridges and renewed relationships with denominational leaders.

NAIITS works in partnership with denominations to prepare their leaders for the many expressions of the future Indigenous church.

Emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander theologians are also critical to developing a body of material from which to address issues of concern in this new era of expanded potential. NAIITS facilitates critical opportunities for this to occur in churches that neither understand Indigenous history and cultures nor celebrate the traditions important to most Indigenous peoples. So, the challenge of these new opportunities begins with refocused biblical theology expressed specifically with this in mind.

NAIITS facilitates and encourages the unique theological perspectives of Indigenous peoples, furthering the development of a growing set of diverse materials on theology, ministry, evangelism and discipleship through its symposiums, training programs, academic journal and partnerships.

Our theological programs are accredited through our partnership with Sydney College of Divinity. Eligible students can apply to ABSTUDY/Austudy for financial support for their tuition and studies.

Please note that some courses may not be available for enrolment every year. Refer to the college’s website to see its offerings for the current academic year.

We invite you to speak with one of the team about your study options with NAIITS College:

Naomi Wolfe
Director of NAIITS College

Damian Costello
Director of Postgraduate (HDR) Studies

Academic Registrar

Andy Mitchell
Non-Indigenous Student Support

Shari Russell
Director of NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community

An Indigenous Learning Community
Copyright 2023

Honoured to be accredited by:

NAIITS An Indigenous Learning Community

NAIITS An Indigenous Learning Community (formerly the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies) is one of two members of Indigenous Pathways (IP), a nonsectarian, non-profit organization dedicated to working together with the Indigenous community.

NAIITS’ focus within IP is the development and articulation of Indigenous perspectives in theology and practice. We encourage Indigenous learning styles and world views in our instruction as we facilitate the development of a body of work addressing biblical, theological, and ethical issues from Indigenous perspectives.

NAIITS offers graduate and post-graduate degrees and awards.